messageREACHSM Policies
Definition of SPAM
Spam is the term used on the Internet to describe unsolicited e-mail messages. These messages are also commonly referred to as junk, bulk or unsolicited commercial e-mail (UCE).
Our Policy Toward SPAM
messageREACH prohibits the use of our system for spamming. We may, at our discretion, refuse to send any broadcast job which meets commonly accepted definitions of spam. We also
reserve the right to terminate service or take other appropriate actions against customers who violate our policies.
We require messageREACH customers to only use lists of e-mail addresses containing recipients who have given explicit consent to receive e-mail from our customers. Also, customers
must not use lists that have been obtained from public Internet forums or any other source, either by the messageREACH customer or a third party.
In addition to unsolicited messages, messageREACH also prohibits the delivery of illegal material.
All e-mail originating at messageREACH is clearly identified as such, and no attempt is made to obscure or alter header information. messageREACH does not allow outside hosts to relay mail.
messageREACH will strictly ensure the enforcement of this policy.
Enforcement of Our Policy
messageREACH offers an automated blocking feature. If a messageREACH customer sends you an unsolicited message, you need only reply to the offending message with the word "remove" (no quotes)
at the beginning of the Subject: line. messageREACH will block the offending customer from sending to your address via our service, and will send you one additional e-mail confirming the
block. Instructions on how to do this are attached in plain language to every message transmitted via messageREACH. Additionally, you can bring to the attention of
[email protected] any messageREACH customer you believe has sent you e-mail that is unsolicited. Our messageREACH abuse staff will investigate, take appropriate action and inform
you of such.
Our system blocks the address that the offending message was originally sent to insuring that the block will be effective, even in the case of aliasing or forwarding.
At messageREACH, we provide our customers with reports of recipients who have asked to be removed from that customer's lists. Although messageREACH does not maintain lists, we provide these reports
to our customers so that they can clean their lists. messageREACH blocks delivery to such addresses in any case.
If you wish to be blocked from ALL messageREACH customers, we can do that too. To be blocked from ALL future mail from any messageREACH customer, please send e-mail to
[email protected] and ask for a "system block" of your address. Please be sure to include the address you wish blocked, to help possible confusion with mail aliases or forwarding systems.